Sunday, July 1, 2007


I hate accidents. They always show how very weak and fragile life can be. From spilling milk to totalling a car, all accidents have the same root cause. Imperfection. No matter how hard we try, something will always go wrong. Something will break, something will fall, something will fall apart, and its guaranteed to happen.

Does that mean that there is nothing we can do about it? Does that mean that accidents are inescapable? Of course not. There is always something we can do to keep it from happening. But its that same root problem, imperfection, that drives reason and foresight from our minds. Imperfection is what keeps us from avoiding accidents, even though all accidents are avoidable by definition.

We always want things to happen in just the perfect way, and we will always work very hard to try to make them happen that way. However, imperfection will find a way to distract us, make us uncertain, make us clumsy, or frighten us just enough to shatter our ideals. But does that mean that accidents have to be a complete waste? Is there nothing that we can gain from them? Again, of course not!

First of all, our ideals are not always what are really best for us. For example, one of my ideals used to be that i would be a single rich bachelor for the rest of my life. However, that dream has been shattered by my experiences. So a broken ideal can teach us and help to actually improve our lives.

Finally, my last thought on accidents. We should never let fear of making a mistake drive our lives and keep us from doing the things that we really want to do. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER let fear of anything keep you from living the way that you want to live. Its true, when you walk out that door every morning, you never know where the wind might blow you. But you will never experience the joys and triumphs that life has to offer if you hide in fear. Its your life, don't let anything get in the way of living it, especially fear.